Jill Sharkey
Associate Dean for Research and Outreach in the Department of Education
My teaching and advising focuses on preparing the next generation of leaders in school psychology. In research and fieldwork seminars, I focus on meeting training standards and implementing methods to bring science to practice. I have the privilege of working with very talented scholars throughout their graduate studies and helping mentor them to grow into top quality professionals.
My research centers on promoting student engagement for all children, but primarily for children who have experienced a variety of personal, family, and community risk factors. In particular, I am focused on preventing school violence by understanding optimal family, school, and community response to youth at risk. My recent work includes a cross-site, multi-study collaborative to understand the strain experienced by juveniles on probation, how adults (e.g., parents, teachers, probation officers) and systems (e.g., families, schools, juvenile justice programs) respond to youth needs, and what outcomes result from these interventions.

Email: Office Location:The Gevirtz School
Graduate School of Education
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9490